Below we have included an article recently published in the Mushroom People Magazine. It has some very useful tips for maximising the effectiveness of your disinfectant and economical use.
Disinfection & Fly Control
Teagasc Mushroom E Bulletin 5, 2020
Sporekill (PCS No.92396) is another product where the active ingredient is based on potassium salts of fatty acids.
It can be applied by spray on walls and door/frames or by fogging the growing room after filling to help with fly control. It works by direct contact, disrupting cell membranes so flies dehydrate and are eliminated.
Fogging with Sporekill will also help knock down spores that have entered during filling, encapsulating them and rendering them non viable so fogging is a practice against pests and diseases at the start of a crop.
Refer to the product label for further information.
Sporekill protects against Coronavirus
We are excited to announce that we recently submitted and tested Sporekill Spot against Coronavirus C19 in a specialist lab and the results came back with a log 4.2 reduction. This means a 99.99% reduction ie total control.
The lab report is on the Home page.Testing was carried out to BS EN 14476:2013+A2:2019. This European Standard specifies a test method and the minimum requirements for virucidal activity of chemical disinfectant and antiseptic products.
We believe that mushroom farms would therefore find it be to be a very useful product around picking and personnel areas. It dries quickly due to the ethanol base.
Just to be clear, the C19 product is the Spot Treatment version of Sporekill which some of you may not have used before. It is what growers use for spot treatment of disease on the casing surface as a substitute for salt in Organic farms. It uses an ethanol carrier as opposed to water as a co formulant, which allows quick penetration on surface right down the root and evaporates off leaving the residual protection of Sporekill itself.
It is currently available in 20L drums and 1000L IBCs and we are working on a box which will contain 500 or 750ml spray bottles ready to use.
For more information and pricing, then please contact us directly at
Fogging system
This great new device for fogging is available through us.
- Uses compressed air, no electric motor
- Simple design and virtually indestructible and will last for years
- Fog is less than 5 microns, so stays in the air for a long time making disinfection and fly control much more effective
How the fog looks when used in a mushroom growing room. All the surfaces are completely covered in fine particles and mist.
Contact us for pricing and delivery.
Sporekill proven – “no residues in your mushrooms”
We have detailed data for clients who are concerned about potential residues getting into mushrooms via
their disinfectants. We can guarantee that Sporekill is safe in this regard.

Instructions for using Sporekill
Below is a useful document giving instructions for all areas of usage for Sporekill Disinfectant
Keeping wooden trays clean
Sporekill is great for cleaning wooden trays. Although plastic can line and protect the bottoms of the trays there is no good way of controlling the moulds on the sides of the boxes. Many of these contribute to spotting and quality loss during the crop.
Sporekill has high detergency for penetrating wood and when it dries it seals and traps mycelium and spores in wood thus reducing spores forming on the sides during cropping.
1.5-3 L Sporekill in 200L of water (0.75-1.5%) depending on cleaness of trays.
Plenty of volume is important as can be seen on the video.
In this farm, the trays are thoroughly wetted down after emptying and left on the yard for a week before reuse. Trays remain ‘cleaner’ during cropping.
New Sporekill Drum Size 20 litres
Sporekill is now available in 20L drum size and we will discontinue 25L.
The reasons for this are:
- We can fit more drums on a pallet (up to 3 layers of 16 drums)
- With same drums as Mycro products, it means we can load mixed pallets of disinfectant and supplement because they nest properly
- Easier to carry because of the density and heavy weight of Sporekill