Traditional Compost Supplements
Natural Gold – Organic Gold
Natural Gold and Organic Gold are high protein soya-based products free of formaldehyde and containing a perfect balance of fibre, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and minerals blended and then coated with organic acid salts to delay release to your mushrooms and give protection from compost moulds and microflora.
They are applied to the compost at spawning (phase 2) or filling (phase 3).
Organic Gold is certified for organic farming in many countries.
Natural Gold details | Organic Gold details
- Minimum 36% protein
- Maximises yield in first 2 flushes
- GMO Free and No Pesticides
- Less heat production than other supplements
- 100% plant origin
Liquid Supplements
MycroNutrient “Water On” Supplement
These are used in conjunction with traditional supplements to boost yield and quality particularly in 2nd and 3rd flushes. They should be thought of as quick response ‘top up’ feeding after 1st flush and effect can be seen throughout the flush.
All types of liquid supplement are applied on last water of case run (or early pinning) and last water between 1st and 2nd flush.
- Increase 2nd & 3rd flush yields
- Higher dry matter in mushrooms (+15%)
- Increase grade ‘A’ quality
- Speeds up cycle by 1-2 days
- No Heating
- Mushrooms healthier
- Less casing diseases
- Increased shelf life
- Applied by tree or drip
- Organic Certified in many countries
This is based on original MycroNutrient formulation with improvements in nutrient components. It fully dissolves in water easily and can be applied via a tank system connected to watering tree or overhead irrigation.
This version is also perfectly matched for the new drip irrigation systems and via a Dosatron.
Organic MycroNutrient
Organic certified version based on calcium source. Application via recirculating tank system connected to watering tree or overhead irrigation.
New variant based on original MycroNutrient but in a micro soap formulation which breaks down surface tensions giving literally hundreds and thousands of points of contact. The main advantage being that very low rate can be adopted for application. The mycelium becomes very strong and healthy.
Liquid Supplements details
Recently coming from our R&D program working on boosting yield on 2nd and 3rd flushes we are using a specialised type of protein compound which works in synergy with either of our MycroNutrient products. It is added in the diluted solution on last water between 1st and 2nd flushes.
It has a very significant effect on yield via pin numbers and high density. Application rates are very low at 2-4g per m²
Mushroom farm disinfectant based on natural ingredients and in use in the mushroom industry worldwide since 2005.
It is used to clean and disinfect growing rooms at the end of the growing cycle and effective in cleaning up all the main mushroom pathogens found in growing crops. Perfect for treating walls, floors, ceilings, ventilation equipment, shelves nets, door frames, crates and many other places.
It works with 4 modes of action; cleaning, penetrating and destroying spores and finally leaving a physical barrier (film) on the surface for prolonged protection. It can be applied by knapsack, pressure washer or fog. It is particularly effective on floors which is weak point area when ‘cooking out’ with steam. There are no chemical or pesticide residues left on surfaces.
- Guaranteed no residues in crops
- Proven against Lencanicillium, Cladobotryum, Mycogne and Trichoderma
- Environmentally friendly and safe to the user
- Washing down floors, walls, shelves, nets, equipment, casing bags, crates and footdips
- Used as post-crop sterilant
- Complements poor ‘cook out’ on floors
Fogging Systems
High quality portable fogging systems designed to be moved from room to room for application of My-croSoap or other products in a fine fog. There are major advantages in having a fine fog to permeate all areas of the room and totally coat all surfaces in the growing room.
We also offer complete fixed farm solutions which can be interfaced to Fancom controllers for simple easy management.
Drip Irrigation
Nutrigain is working with Netafim to really move quality and yield to a new level. The key to tackling 2nd and 3rd flushes after a heavy first flush. Nutrigain is one aspect and we target this with MycroNutrient liquid supplements. However, water and casing management is an integral part of this and hence the use of drip irrigation which gives so many advantages to growers.
Drip irrigation is future proofed for new ‘non peat’ casing alternatives as it gives a more continuous watering source during the crop cycle.
- Increase yield by 2kg/m2
- Watering at any moment
- Reduce casing by 20-25% to 35mm
- Reduce energy cost – no drying needed!
- No bacterial blotch
- Dosing MycroNutrient continuously
- Ready for new peat alternatives