Sporekill Natural, residue free disinfectant and sanitizer
Mushroom farm disinfectant based on natural ingredients and in use in the mushroom industry worldwide since 2005.
It is used to clean and disinfect growing rooms at the end of the growing cycle and effective in cleaning up all the main mushroom pathogens found in growing crops. Perfect for treating walls, floors, ceilings, ventilation equipment, shelves, nets, door frames, crates and many other places.
It works with 4 modes of action; cleaning, penetrating and destroying spores and finally leaving a physical barrier (film) on the surface for prolonged protection. It can be applied by knapsack, pressure washer or fog. It is particularly effective on floors, which is weak point area when “cooking out” with steam. There are no chemical or pesticide residues left on surfaces.
- Treats Verticillium, Mycogne, Cobweb, Green moulds and Listeria
- Used on floors, walls, shelves, nets and crate washing
- Effective disinfestant (fly control) against Sciarids & Phorids on walls and door frames
- 100% biodegradable and accepted for use in most Organic standards
Brochure Sporekill
Instructions Sporekill
How to Order Product Ordering